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Overview -
Backplot -
Questions -
Analysis -
Notes -
The Excalibur is sent on a top-secret mission and faces an attack by the
Production number: 105
Original air date: September 1, 1999
DVD release date: December 7, 2004
Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Stephen Furst
- 12 members of the Senate were offworld when the Drakh
attacked Earth. They now act as Earth's official representatives.
- The plague isn't a virus, but rather a nanotechnological
device. It appears to be able to coordinate its actions across
wide distances, and may even have a sort of hive-mind consciousness.
- The plague has already started killing people on
Earth. It is constantly reshaping itself, and sometimes happens to
find a lethal, but not genocidal, configuration. The five-year
time limit is based on the rate of deaths so far; even if it never
discovers a single 100% deadly configuration, after that long its
experiments will have wiped everyone out.
- Aside from the fact that both are nanotech-based,
is there any connection between the technomage virus
("The Memory of War")
and the Drakh plague?
- Continuity glitch: Gideon and Lochley appeared to have
no more than a friendly familiarity with one another in this episode,
inconsistent with their earlier contact in
"The Rules of the Game"
(which was produced after this episode but aired earlier.)
- Was Gideon's "Life goes on" line added after you
knew this would be the last episode, or was it just a
Another Babylonian synchronicity.

![[Episode List]](/lurk/nav/dark/gu-index.gif)