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 ### GUIDE ### [Synopsis] [Episode List] [Previous] [Next]

Contents: Overview - Backplot - Questions - Analysis - Notes - JMS


Some of the crew are caught with the Brakiri as they celebrate their "Day of the Dead," a remembrance of the recently deceased. A pair of famous entertainers visits the station. Harlan Ellison as the voice of Zooty. Bridget Flanery as Zoe. Penn and Teller as Rebo and Zooty. Ed Wasser as Morden.
P5 Rating: 8.44

Production number: 511
Original air date: March 11, 1998
DVD release date: April 13, 2004

Written by Neil Gaiman
Directed by Doug Lefler

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions



jms speaks

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Last update: May 27, 2024